About Us
OHSSAR Ladies Auxiliary
The Ladies Auxiliary of the Sons of the American Revolution was founded in California in 1984. On October 6, 1989, the Ohio Ladies Auxiliary was chartered with 12 founding members. In 2003 The National Ladies Auxiliary of the Sons of the American Revolution became a subordinate of the NSSAR with State organizations in California, Arizona, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, Ohio, and a group of members at large who lived in States without a Ladies Auxiliary.
Our Purpose
The purpose of the Ohio Auxiliary is to maintain an association of ladies who are interested in the patriotic, historical, and educational objectives and purposes of the Ohio Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, to foster fellowship among relatives and friends of SAR members, to be of help to NSSAR and its Societies and chapters when asked, and to help further the objectives and patriotic activities of the Society.
Our Leaders
2024 - 2025
1st Vice
Sandy Tyler
Carole Gunn
Laurie Bredenfoerder
Membership Chair
The Auxiliary
The Auxiliary meets four times a year - at the three quarterly Ohio SAR Board of Management (BOM) meetings and the Annual State Meeting, usually in May.
The dues are five dollars ($5.00) a year. A Life Membership is also available for a one time contribution of $100.00. A State Auxiliary pin may be purchased for $10.00. Members of OHSSAR Ladies Auxiliary are automatically members of the National Ladies Auxiliary.
Auxiliary Pledge: We the Ladies Auxiliary Sons of the American Revolution carry the weight of tradition, and the love of Country and liberty. We believe in the Constitution and recognize the sacrifices of our forefathers. We give our blessing for peace, liberty and pledge our devotion to the United States of America.
Auxiliary Recessional: We shall be faithful and summon all citizens to walk in the way of our forefathers and to honor this great nation. We go with peace of heart and the safety of God’s blessing.
The objectives of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Ohio Society of the Sons of the American Revolution shall be in common with those of the Ohio Society of the SAR. "…declared to be patriotic, historical, and educational, and shall include those intended or designed to perpetuate the memory of the men who, by their services or sacrifices during the war of the American Revolution, achieved the independence of the American people."
They are directed to support the Society by furthering the goals and activities of the SAR, by encouraging membership and by raising funds to support the Society's objectives.
Additional objectives are:
To provide interested women a method of supporting the SAR
To support the patriotic activities of the SAR
To participate in projects for the SAR
To further the cooperation between the SAR and other patriotic societies
To educate the public about the SAR
To aid the SAR at its annual conferences and other meetings
To enhance the social environment of the SAR
Special Projects
Each year the OHSSAR Ladies Auxiliary undertakes special fund-raising projects that vary according to the interests and capabilities of the membership.
For the past several years, the Auxiliary has tapped into the expertise of one of its members to produce unique, heirloom-quality bed-size quilts that are raffled off by OHSSAR Ladies Auxiliary.
The quilt in the photo, left, was created and raffled during Troy Bailey’s presidential term, 2021-2022
Proceeds from these special-project fund-raisers make possible the cash awards from the LAOHSSAR to winners of the many youth contests and programs sponsored by the Ohio Society Sons of the American Revolution (OHSSAR). In addition, quit-raffle proceeds go to support the annual project chosen by the president of the Ohio Society, Children of the American Revolution (OSCAR).
In 2022, proceeds from quilt raffles made possible the Auxiliary’s participation in the one-time donation to the SAR Historical Museum of a sampler produced by a seven-year-old girl who was living in Boston in 1795
Quilts of Valor
The LAOHSSAR’s first official Quilts of Valor presentation took place during the 133rd OHSSAR Annual Meeting in Geneva, Ohio. Don Micco, a veteran of World War II, the Korean conflict, and the Vietnam War, received his quilt during the luncheon on Saturday afternoon, April 30, 2022.
To apply for membership click HERE and download the form....
Complete the short application, and submit it as described on the form. Thank you for your interest and we look forward to welcoming you to our group!
Benefits of membership in the Ohio Society SAR Ladies Auxiliary
You will become a member of the National Ladies Auxiliary.
You can wear the official SAR Ladies Auxiliary pin.
Your membership supports SAR contests and projects.