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Fall 2020 Reports

Geo. Washington  Endowment Fund - Perkins

Handbook - Wilkerson

Hub Scott Awards - Hinson

Hub Scott Flags - Driesbach

IT/Website - Beebe

Leadership Development - Cox

Membership - Hinson

Nominating - Cox

Oration Contest - Bredenfoerder

Patriot Graves - Gunn

Patriotic Outreach ( PIP) - Kaplan

Poster - Kenyon

Publicity - Cox

Regulations - Davis

ROTC/JROTC Report - Duffield

Statutory Agent - Huber

Veterans Recognition - Fast

Ad Hoc Black Powder

250th - Bailey

American Flag - Wilkerson

American History Teacher - Moody

Americanism - Wilkerson

Archives - Riley

Audit - Hinson

Awards - Schaffer

Brochure Contest - Finley

CD VPG Selection - Ward

Color Guard - Hill

C.A.R. Liaison - Robinson/Beebe

DAR Liaison - Bailey/Beebe

Eagle Scout - Beebe

Essay Contest - McGraw

Ethics - Ward

Finance/Investment - Hinson

Fort Laurens Memorial Ceremony - McGraw

Fort Laurens Liaison Rebuild - Hill

Fundraising - Bredenfoerder


President - Wilkerson

1st Vice President - Bailey

2nd Vice President - Bredenfoerder

Secretary - McGraw

Treasurer - Blum

     Treasurer Annual - Blum

Registrar - Bailey

Historian - Greaf

Chancellor - Carr

Genealogist - Ward

Chaplin - Dr Bonniwell

National Trustee - Cox

Alt. National Trustee - Ward

Chief Compliance Officer - McGraw

Central District - Cox

Eastern District - Perkins

Northeast District - Hinson

Northwest District - Lupien

Southeast District - Moody

Southwest District - Spray


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